About Lizardtail Design
Lizardtail is a design and consulting firm, focused on ecologic design, wildlife supporting landscapes and native plant communities. We specialize in stream banks, riparian buffers stormwater solutions, children's play and education landscapes.
...And we have a thing for sedges of all kinds, sedges for sun, shade, wet, dry, as lawn substitute, gardening accents or in natural plant communities. We are the most experienced firm in native sedge design. ​
Streambank, waterfront landscape design
Homeowner education and problem solving for difficult sites
Contractor consulting: specifying and maintaining native plants, landscaping in natural areas, adapting to site conditions
Sourcing difficult to find native plants and young trees and shrubs (available to contractors or homeowners)
Classes and lectures on: stream bank and waterfront plants, creative stormwater design, landscaping with sedges (carex spp), identifying and tackling invasive species, understanding and leveraging plant communities
Lizardtail emerged after owner, Sheryl Davies, found herself immersed in both the theory and practice of ecologic landscaping. A scientist with far too much excess energy and a passion for education, Sheryl left academia and focused her energy on educating and innovating in ecologic design.